Friday, February 6, 2015

Ferguson Police Department has been testing a new less lethal hand gun weapon. They have created a gun that potentially can be used for the police department to not kill or extremely hurt anyone they shoot at. This new gun is supposed to neutralize the suspect and, not kill suspect but there is no guarantee they won’t be killed they are still working on the less lethal weapon. It is to save more lives and not kill so many suspects. This has been a plan for the police department after the killing of an unarmed teenager in Missouri. There is an orange device that goes over a normal handgun and once the bullet is released it is embedded into an alloy projectile ball. Once the ball hits the subject the subject instantly will feel shock wave of pain, without it actually penetrating the subject, thus less likely to be killed.  Even though they still are working on this less lethal method, what if soon the states government only allows police departments to use the less lethal handguns and soon United States government potentially favors this option. What would this mean for our fellow Police department? Would this small idea possibly turn nationwide? Would this mean Policemen’s lives be more in danger than it already is? I feel everyone should read this, because something small and merely just a testing subject can turn into something much bigger before we have a chance to approve or deny this idea of less lethal handguns. If people read this now and majority does not approve it may be possible to stop these ideas before they progress any further. If criminals use hang guns that can kill and Police officials don't how will they protect themselves from being killed by the suspects? I wonder what will the government do about this idea the Police Department in Ferguson is testing. 

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