Friday, February 27, 2015

In The New York Times  Republicans Warn Washington to Think Twice About Legalizing Marijuana
By Jennifer Steinhauer, talks about how the state of Washington has legalized Marijuana.  This article menchings people that are 21 and older are legalized to carry 2 ounces. So many people were not happy about this legalization action at all. A lady named “Ms. Buerkle stressed the impact of a drug she said would ‘stupefy our youth’.” As of right now they Mayor and other public officials in Washington State are still working out certain laws that tie in with the legalization of marijuana. For example certain age factors, what is till illegal and legal, for example saleing it is still illegal. “Michael Czin, a spokesman for Mayor Muriel Bowser, said in an email. ‘It’s largely business as usual for us. Right now, we’re focused on implementing the law in a thoughtful, responsible way and making sure our residents know what they can and cannot do’.” Throughout the entire article the author just talks about the negative sides to this new law. As well as focuses on the people whom don’t support  it. She fails to address anyone that really supports it and has an opinion about that support. Jennifer’s main focus in this article was the negative aspects of it and the unhappy people’s thoughts and concerns. She doesn't put her own opinion in writing but form just getting one point of view being the negative one can only conclude what side she may be on. She may not support it at all herself and in a subtle way portray that in her article, by only getting one sided thoughts and concerns about the legalization of marijuana. Why did she not get both sides? She stood by the negative aspect of it all. The authors intended audience is those who appose the legalization. Perhaps trying to add spark in people so this doesn't happen to more states to in a way stop this from progressing, by only focusing on the negative.

                I personally agree with it’s not a good idea to legalize marijuana. Especially since I believe Washington State hasn't really worked out many of the kinks in this. There may be some ways around the illegal aspect of the laws that people can go about and it wouldn't be illegal because Washington state government is still in the progress of writing out the rules for the people. I honestly don’t think they were prepared enough when they decided to pass this law. 

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